
I am Armando Mora and I am a Senior in High School. I attend this High School to play in the school's Basketball team and for the big campus. I'm tall, brown and a nice person. I am also humble and care for others, other than myself.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Final: Part 2

  1. What I liked abou this class was being able to research different career choices. Every day we were here we had a different career to search up and it always gave me new knowledge. I learned about different areas which I may be interesteed in and how much the pay was in the outcome. Sometimes the career required much college experience but the salary would eventually pay the price. Also I enjoyed the quotes which we had to reflect on. I learned about different people, their stories and the quotes which helped them succeed. Some of those quotes came from people I knew and I did not know they would say such positive things as they did. There was nothing I did not like, I enjoyed the class in general. If there is one thing I did not like was me not coming too often. I missed a lot of class but I enjoyed it everytime I was here.
  2. A suggestion can be to give the students a bit more free writing. For example, have one day out of the week let them reflect on how their week is going and what they have planned for the rest of the week to come. It will help students speaking out on subjects they might be keeping inside. Another idea might be to show the students movies on those who have chose the right. It will be a better picture in their head and will motivate the students. In the end of the movies they can write a reflection or something to see what they learned from it.
  3. When I am present in this class I do try my best on my work. I have always enjoyed using a computer and when I am able to use one, I always use my time wisely. The only thing I lacked on was my attendence in this class. I missed a lot of school and I regret it. I didn't choose to miss school, I get migraines very often and it stops me from being able to doing my everyday activities. 
  4. When I am here, I do read from my life planning book. I also write some stuff in when I have something in mind. Outside of class I don't read and write in it as much as I should. I don't go in it daily which I should but I do look over it when I have time to spare. The life planning 100+ goals is a big help for me. It helps me keep track of my short term goals.
  5. I am committed on being a CTR person because it very much leads you to all the right. I have learned that choosing the right all the time will lead you to better things. There are times where one might want to do wrong and think it will not harm them. It will harm you in the future and when chosen the right it will help you deeply. I also am committed on being a CTR person because I have learned from my mistakes and know I should always choose the right.
  6. I promise myself to not do bad to my body by not using drugs. I have never used drugs and I plan on keeping it that way. I am going to help my mind by expressing my thoughts and not keeping everything piled up. I am going to help my spirit by alwasy being a positive person. I have always been a positive person and love to see people happy.

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